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ICT In Education Course Week 5 : Collaborative Glossary

In the fifth meeting of ICT in education course, we are asked to fill in the collaborative glossary in e-learning, by searching for a minimum of five academic vocabularies and their word classes, their meaning in Indonesian and examples of their use in sentences. to look up the vocabulary we can see from the Academic Word List

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And this my contribution for this collaborative glossary :

Compile (Verb)
Definition : to collect information from different places and arrange it in a book, report, or list (Cambridge Online Dictionary)
Indonesia : Menyusun, Mengumpulkan 
Example : We're compiling some facts and figures for a documentary on the subject.

2. Constant
Constant (Adj)
Definition : happening a lot or all the time (source : Cambridge Online Dictionary)
Indonesia : Konstan, Tetap
Example : He's in constant trouble with the police.
                  Machines that are in constant use

3. Devote
Devote (Adj)
Definition : extremely loving and loyal (Cambridge Online Dictionary)
Indonesia : Mencurahkan, Membaktikan 
Example : A devoted fan/husband
                  Lucy is devoted to her cats.

4. Inherent
Inherent (Adj)
Definition : existing as a natural or basic part of something (Cambridge Online Dictionary)
Indonesia : yang melekat, sifat yang permanen
Example : There are dangers/risks inherent in almost every sport
                  I have an inherent distrust of lawyers.

5. Trigger
Trigger (Verb)
Definition : to cause something to start (Cambridge Online Dictionary)
Indonesia : Mencetuskan, Menggerakan 
Example : Some people find that certain foods trigger their headaches.
                  Ultraviolet-B radiation triggers the skin to produce vitamin D.
