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Short Story : The Biggest Regret by Fabiyan Junino Elindika


"Come visit our shop ... Come visit our shop ... !, we have an interesting promo for you ...!"
Cheered Arata who was standing at a busy crossroad in downtown Tokyo wearing a bear clown costume while distributing brochures to promote the shop where he worked. Shame no longer prevents him from doing any work as long as he can get money to meet his needs. Suddenly a group of thugs mocked him

"Hey stupid clown, how much money do you get from this stupid job," they said,
they also kicked Arata's leg until he fell, then they left him.

He immediately recalled the time of misery that he faced when in high school, where he always gets violence and bullying from his friends and at that time there was nothing he could do, and that was what broke his spirit for a successful life which made him an unemployed man and have to work hard to get on with his life. But everything had passed and he could not possibly be able to reciprocate what his friends had done, he could only try to revive his spirit to return to living well, with anything that could make him forget about those times.
After completing his work Arata enters the shop to take the wages he gets for today's work. While waiting, someone came out in a black suit and dressed neatly from the shop, how shocked Arata saw that the person who came out was Ichiro, the person he hated the most wells, the high school friend who always bully him who had broken his hopes for success. The man then came to Arata and gave several bills to Arata.

"Hi, I’m Ichiro, the owner of this shop and this is your salary for today, thank you for doing well."

Feelings of surprise, anger, and envy mixed in Arata's heart when he saw why someone like him had to be more successful than himself and he still could not forget and forgive what Ichiro had done to him.

"Luckily he doesn't remember who I am," Arata said inwardly

Arata hardly accepted the money, because he had to buy the necessities of his life. Arata could only be silent while looking at the money given by Ichiro, why he received money and worked with people who have ruined his life. When Arata was about to come out of the shop came Ichiro's friends, who were also Arata's friends who always bothered him in high school. Accidentally one of them saw Arata and said

"Aren't you Arata, our high school friend?"

Ichiro was surprised and took off the hat that slightly covered Arata's face, so he realized that the person who was working with him at that time was Arata, a high school friend he often bullied. But there was not the slightest sense of guilt that was seen on Ichiro's face after what he had done to Arata eight years ago in high school.

"If I knew you were my friend Arata, surely I would have raised your salary, Sorry when we were in high school, my attitude was too childish and always bothered you." Ichiro said while embracing Arata and spending extra money on Arata's salary.

Hearing an apology from Ichiro Arata's heart grew more painful, after what he did to Arata to destroy his life he just apologized like that alone, Arata did not accept it all.

"After so many atrocities you committed me that my life was ruined like this, without guilt you only apologize like this, I don't need your money!" Arata said, and throwing money in Ichirio's face.

Ichiro could only be silent and looked at Arata who was very angry at him. Arata was no longer able to hold back his anger the pain had covered his senses, he also ran and shouted

"Watch out, Ichiro, I'll repay you! People like you don't deserve to live peacefully in success"

Without thinking Arata jumped over a fence in front of Ichiro's shop to leave the person he really hates and vent his anger, he assumed that the fence was just an ordinary fence that borders the shopping area with the highway. But immediately Ichiro shouted

"Arata is not a road, there are still three floors below!"

Araka already jumped before realizing that Ichiro's shop was located on the third floor of a mall in the city of Tokyo. But there is no longer any use for Arata to regret his rash actions, in his heart he said

"Will I die in vain like this in front of people I really hate. Until whenever I will not forgive you Ichiro, you must feel my suffering, I curse you Ichiro…I curse you !"

Ichiro who tried to capture Arata could only be pensive because he could not save him. But suddenly something strange happened to Ichiro, he felt himself in a dream and immediately he woke up in a class where the class was familiar to him. Then he realized that it was his class in high school, and he looked around the class, he saw his friends looking at him with strange eyes. Suddenly three men came to him, how shocked he was when he saw that one of the three was himself in high school and two of his friends Misaki and Hiro. Then whose body am I using while my own body is in front of me, thought Ichiro. And he was very surprised when he looked in the mirror next to him that he saw was Arata's body, finally he realized that his soul was in Arata's body.

From that day on, Ichiro, who was in Arata's body, always got violence from his friends and himself in the past, now he can see how cruel he and his friends are to Arata and he can also feel it now. Kicking and hitting are common for Ichiro to do to Arata, and now Ichiro can also feel that by himself and it all feels very real. At that time he hated himself and his friends because of the cruelty he committed to innocent people. The desire to fight all the violence always appears in Ichiro's heart, but in reality he is now in the body of Arata who does not have the strength to fight it all and he can only accept all the violence. And finally Ichrio could not stand the violence he had received, he had felt clearly how miserable Arata's life was at that time and he certainly would not be able to live such a life. Feelings of anger and guilt were in his heart at that time, he wanted to apologize sincerely for all his mistakes to Arata even though he knew that Arata would not forgive him.

After going through all of that, finally Ichiro was fed up and couldn't take any more of the violence, he ran up the stairs to the rooftop of the school and shouted

"Arata ...! Please forgive me, I have felt for myself how miserable you are because of my evil deeds, let all my stupid actions in the past be my responsibility to God and I will bear all my sins to you, I cannot bear to live like you Arata, please forgive me Arata ...! forgive me Arata ...! "

Instantly Ichrio felt that the dream was over and he woke up. Ichrio looks around and he realizes that he is in his own room and there are friends around him who are sitting looking at him

"What happened to me," Ichiro asked
"You fainted after trying to save Arata," answered one of his friends
But the dream felt very long for Ichiro

"Then where is Arata," Ichirio asked
"Arata died when it fell from the third floor earlier"

Ichiro cried and regretted everything he had done to Arata and he had not had time to apologize sincerely to Arata, he said in his heart

"Forgive me Arata, I know that it will not be easy to forgive me after what I did to you, let this be my sin to God, and thank you for returning me from the nightmare I experienced, being you in the past and seeing all my cruelty to you, I hate myself, forgive me Arata ... "


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Author's Introduction

Hello guys! Welcome to my English Learning Blog This post will be my first post on this blog, I think in this first post we need a little introduction about me as the author of this blog. OK, My name is Fabiyan Junino Elindika, I was born in Bukittinggi on June 20, 2000, I live in Tanjung Jabung Barat since 18 years ago, which previously I lived in Padang, and now I am one of the students at Jambi University majoring in English education. This is the first post on my new blog. I’m just getting this new blog going, so stay tuned for more. Subscribe below to get notified when I post new updates. For further information about me, you can have a look at my resume below.