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TELL Course Week 5 : Technology for Teaching Listening

At the fifth meeting On Monday, February 17, 2020. The time for the next group is the third group to present syllabus that they have designed about Teaching Listening and what technology can be used by the teacher to support the learning process of Listening. Listening skills at this time is one of the most important skills because we can know that most of the information conveyed through the internet at this time is in the form of audio or video that can be heard and must have good Listening skills to get that information, and many also website or application that can help improve listening skills from the internet. Same thing with the previous group object in this learning is English Education (Bachelor Degree).

And one of the websites that can be used to support this Teaching Listening is TED Talks by listening to speeches delivered by various speakers and finding important points delivered and determining the main ideas of the speech delivered. 

In addition there are many other websites or technologies that we can use to improve our Listening skills, one of which is the ESL Listening Lab, which includes Listening practice questions at various levels from easy to difficult, which can help us train our Listening skills and increase it.

You can also download the Syllabus they made by clicking on this link Teaching Listening Syllabus


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Author's Introduction

Hello guys! Welcome to my English Learning Blog This post will be my first post on this blog, I think in this first post we need a little introduction about me as the author of this blog. OK, My name is Fabiyan Junino Elindika, I was born in Bukittinggi on June 20, 2000, I live in Tanjung Jabung Barat since 18 years ago, which previously I lived in Padang, and now I am one of the students at Jambi University majoring in English education. This is the first post on my new blog. I’m just getting this new blog going, so stay tuned for more. Subscribe below to get notified when I post new updates. For further information about me, you can have a look at my resume below.